🤪 Meme Search

Tired of hunting through obscure filenames for that perfect meme?

Meme Search indexes your memes by their visual content and text, making them easily searchable and retrievable via text search 😍.

Meme Search puts the perfect meme at your fingertips.

Try the App Right Here!

Imagine these were your memes 👇.

Try typing in a few words that describes what you see in one of the memes above! Then press enter. (e.g., try "both capsules").

(the text description of each image is generated automatically!)

Ideas or bugs?

Have ideas for improvements or new features? A bug to report? Send me a message below!

How does it work?

Step 1: download memes
Step 2: index those memes using this app!
Step 3: recover any of your memes via natural language

The app indexes images / memes by extracting their text descriptions, embedding those descriptions as vectors, and indexing them in a vector database.

Where can I get the app?

The app's completely open source, and built with ❤️ and 🤪.

Learn more by visiting the app's github repo.

Give it a try on your own stash of memes! Upgrade your meme warefare game today with Meme Search!

Who created it?

Hi, I'm Jeremy!
I'm a bald guy on the internet who likes to build apps like this.

Connect with me on social!